The Messenger
The latest news and opportunities St. Mary's has to offer.
Sign up below for our newsletter to receive regular letters from the clergy, Zoom links for online and/or hybrid events, recordings of worship, and the public prayer list.
This is an update on our Stewardship endeavours for this coming year and a reminder that if you haven’t submitted a pledge, you still can!
Help us maintain and sustain this ministry...
Christmas Tree Project (Dec. 1st - 15th)
This year, the Community Donations Committee is offering you the opportunity to open your hearts (and wallets) to support two worthy charitable organizations right here in our Vancouver community…
Once again, St. Mary’s is planning a Christmas Bake Sale!
Help by committing to being a baker today!
Would you like to remember a friend or loved one through a donation towards the seasonal decorations at St. Mary’s over Christmastide?
Third Tuesday of each month, 5-7:30pm
Confirmation and Youth Group has begun. Are you interested?
Tuesday evenings at 7:30pm from Nov.26th to Dec.17th
A discussion group on that great Christmas season classic “A Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens
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the Messenger
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Winter Program Now Available
Advent Lessons & Carols
December 3rd, 4pm