“Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
~ 2 Corinthians 9:6-8
Financial Giving
Here at St. Mary’s, we offer members and visitors different ways to give.
For members, we run a stewardship scheme each year where we invite you to pledge how much you will give to St Mary’s over the coming year. This helps us to plan our finances and invites you to think about what you are giving and why.
Regular givers can give by:
Pre-authorized debit (either weekly or monthly) - forms are available from the Office.
Recurring credit card donation - click on the donate button at the top of our website or follow this link and choose ‘recurring’ from the drop-down menu.
E-transfer to office@stmaryskerrisdale.ca
Visitors and regular members can give by the collection plate on a Sunday morning - simply fill in a giving envelope and add your cheque or cash.
Tax receipts are issued annually in January/February to all donors who have made donations totalling $20 or more in the previous tax year. In order to be receiptable, a donation must be freely given to the church as a gift and may not be in payment for goods or services. (i.e., we cannot issue tax receipts for buying a book, renting a room, or paying for a wedding organist/funeral bulletins, etc.)
We are happy to answer questions about tax receipts ahead of any potential donations – please reach out to the Office at your convenience.
Stewardship - A Way of Life
All of life is a gift from God. Stewardship is about being grateful, responsible stewards of those gifts we receive from God. Stewardship rejects the scarcity mindset that society lures us towards and encourages us to embrace a theology of abundance that is life-giving. Financial giving out of the abundance that God has given us allows us to grow deeper in our relationship with God and one another. The tradition of giving back to God and to the church comes from the Biblical practice of “tithing,” which means to give back a tenth of our financial earnings to God (Numbers 18:26). Many people who have taken on financial stewardship as a spiritual practice, have found it a rewarding and life-giving practice.
God has endowed each of us with talent and skills. Sharing these God-given gifts for mission and ministry allows us to be co-creators with God as we thrive to build up the Kingdom here and now.
St. Mary's relies on charitable donations to fund its mission and ministry in Kerrisdale and beyond. Some might be surprised to know that our budget is not funded by the Diocese or the larger Anglican Church. Each fall we invite members to submit a financial pledge or a promise of financial giving so that we can plan how best to allocate our resources for next year. Pledges allow us to:
offer opportunities for fellowship and community,
educate future generations of Christians,
launch mission and outreach endeavours,
provide pastoral care,
share with others the good news of God’s love, and
continue as a place of worship for all.
There are many opportunities to volunteer your talents at St. Mary’s. Your generous gifts of time enable us to:
provide worship online and in-person
provide fellowship to youth, families and seniors
learn and grow our faith
reach out to address the needs of those less fortunate
support those who are sick, lonely or less abled
be a community of faith
Your generous donations of talent, time, and treasure can help us continue these important works.
Planting Seeds of Hope and Faith
Legacy Giving
"Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree" ~ Martin Luther
Planting seeds for future fruit is both an act of hope and an expression of faith. We plant in hope that the small seeds will one day produce a tree whose fruit will bless future generations. We plant in faith by entrusting those who follow us to nurture our tree, harvest the fruit properly and use it for the best purposes. Making a planned gift to St. Mary's is a similar undertaking. A planned gift is a seed whose promised fruit will support the church well beyond your lifetime.
Legacy giving is a powerful opportunity to ensure your most sacred values and commitments are part of your legacy. Your planned gift represents your hope for the future mission and ministry of St. Mary's and your faith in generations to come. I hope this informational brochure plants a seed in your heart, for the many ways your generosity can take root, allowing future generations at St. Mary’s to benefit in ways we can only imagine.
When you die, you give everything away: never will you have been more generous. You can choose to remember family and friends in your Will as well as charitable entities like St Mary's. Your estate will receive a tax receipt for gifts to the church and other charities.
There are several ways you can approach giving to the church. Some people seek to honour the Biblical tithe, giving ten percent of their total estate to the parish; some treat the parish as they would an additional kin (Say you had three children, you would divide your estate four ways instead of three). Others choose to create an endowment which will ensure the pattern of giving they established during life will continue after death. (For example, if you were accustomed to giving $5,000 annually and multiplied it by twenty, the resulting endowment would yield the equivalent of that annual contribution). Others leave their entire estate to the church.
If you don’t have a will, and you die unexpectedly your estate will be taxed heavily, and the opportunity for you to continue your legacy of generous giving would be lost.
By naming St Mary's in your will, you are giving to the future mission and ministry of the parish, knowing that you will not directly benefit from your gift, but confident that others will.
A Gift + Annuity can be especially advantageous for older donors. By giving part of the money, you currently hold in a GIC to the church and by purchasing an annuity with the remainder, this way St Mary's can financially benefit, while you also increase your income stream.
For example: Helen, at age eighty-five, decides to trade in her GIC of $50,000. She gives St. Mary’s Kerrisdale $12,500 (for which, she gets an immediate tax receipt) and uses the rest of the principal, $37,500, to acquire an annuity. Where she had received only $828 after-tax a year from her GIC, her annuity now generates $4,228 annually.
Giving appreciated securities (equities, bonds, mutual funds) can offer significant tax advantages. By giving St Mary's the securities themselves (rather than selling them and donating their cash value), you can avoid paying tax on any capital gains you might have made.
For example: were you to give the church securities that had originally cost you $400 and were now worth $2,000 you would realize savings on the capital gains tax of $320 while receiving a charitable tax credit of $874, so you would save $806 by gifting the securities. If you gave the cash, you would have paid $946 as the net cost of the donation. In this case, you would have saved $140, and the church receives $320 more if you gift the securities.
St. Mary’s Kerrisdale has a trading account with a broker which makes it easy for you to consider this gift idea.
If you choose to give part, or all, of an RRSP, RRIF, or TFSA to the church, your estate will receive a tax receipt upon your death. As the gift passes outside of your estate, it also lowers the probate fees charged against the estate.
All you need to do is submit a revised Designation of Beneficiary form available from your RRSP/RRIF/TFSA provider.
By taking out a permanent life insurance policy, with St. Mary's Kerrisdale as both the owner and beneficiary, the premiums you pay will be treated as a charitable donation.
If you already have a life insurance policy and your circumstances have changed (for example, you no longer need to provide for a young family), you might want to consider naming St. Mary's as a beneficiary. Other options exist depending on the type of policy.
Please call the office and speak to our Rector, Lindsay Hills
604-261-4228 or send a confidential inquiry to legacy@stmaryskerrisdale.ca
Remember, this information should not be considered as offering professional advice. You should always consult with a professional advisor (lawyer, tax consultant, or financial planner) before considering a major charitable gift.
Frequently Asked Questions
What I do, with all that I have, after I say, "I believe" and using the gifts God has given us, to do the work God is calling us to do. Christian stewardship is a grateful and responsible use of God's gifts in the light of God's purpose as revealed in Jesus Christ. Christian stewards, empowered by the Holy Spirit, commit themselves to conscious, purposeful decisions.
Stewardship is lived out by:
• Living and telling the good news
• Sharing God in seeking justice, peace, and the integrity of creation in an interdependent universe
• Wisely employing God-given human resources, abilities, and relationships
• Sharing material resources we hold and giving them in service, justice, and compassion
• Providing for future generations, sharing in the life, worship, and responsible stewardship of the Church and of its mission -
There are many reasons to pledge, of which the following may help you to determine whether to pledge or not:
• It is an important part of your faith journey.
• It is a promise to your faith community.
• It is an active witness.
• It helps the Parish Council develop a more accurate plan for the church year.
Yes, you can… but, by making a pledge, not only are you making a stewardship commitment, but you are also helping the church as a whole to practice good stewardship. Pledging provides critical information for our church leaders as they work to prepare a balanced budget. During this time when things are particularly challenging, making wise financial decisions as an organization is even more critical.
Pledge payments may be made at any time during the course of the year. Most households choose to make weekly, monthly, or quarterly payments. Credit cards can be set to auto charge, cheque accounts to automatic debit, and we can now accept e-transfer as well. (Debit, cheques, and E-transfers all significantly reduce our bank fees!) If you wish, you may honour your pledge through a gift of shares, simply contact the church office for more information.