“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this, ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”
~ Mark 12:30-31
Submit a Prayer Request
The best gift we can give to anyone—friends, family members and even strangers—is the gift of prayer.
If you or someone you know is in need of prayer, please use the form to submit a prayer request, and we will be blessed to lift your concerns to a loving, caring God on your behalf.
You can submit prayers for either the private prayer chain and/or public prayer list.
Pastoral Care Ministries
Our Pastoral Care ministries help care for our parishioners' emotional, physical and spiritual needs.
Our Pastoral Care Team members help keep track of our members in nursing homes and who are homebound, as well as those who are sick and families dealing with bereavement. Team members visit them, take them Communion, keep in touch with phone calls, and keep the parish clergy informed about any updates in their situations.
Our Lay Eucharistic Visitors are a part of our Pastoral Care Team. They are specially trained to administer holy communion during a pastoral visit.
Our Healing Prayer Team is made up of parishioners who are committed to healing prayers. Healing prayers, laying on of hands, and anointing is done by a lay member of the team and a member of the clergy during communion on the third Sunday of the month.
The Prayer Chain is made up of parishioners who are committed to praying privately for those who have asked our church for intercession. As prayer requests come in, members of the Prayer Chain are updated. Members of the Prayer Chain are only known to the Coordinator of the Prayer Chain.
The Public Prayer List informs who and what we pray for on Sunday Mornings. Unless otherwise notified, prayers for the sick are on for three weeks, as are prayers for the deceased. We also pray for the deceased during the week of their funeral service.