Parish Events

Games Night Fundraiser
Games Night
March 28th ~ 6-9pm
We are hosting a board game night to fundraise for PWRDF (Primate's World Relief and Development Fund), now known as “Alongside Hope,” on March 28th in the Parish Hall from 6-9pm. The cost is $15/person and $5/child (under 12). This fee will be waived for anyone who can show they have made a $100 donation to PWRDF since March 1st, 2025. All Parishes are welcome, and we encourage you to bring games! Hot dogs and snacks will be provided. Please click the button below to sign up.

Sunday Morning ~ Holy Eucharist
Two services: 8am & 10am
Click on the image for more info.

St. Mary's Grief Circle
St. Mary’s Grief Circle - a six week program
Mondays, 7pm, in-person, March 10 - April 14

Lenten Study
Embracing Emergence Christianity”
Mondays, 7:30pm on Zoom, March 3rd to April 7th

Community Meal
Every Tuesday, we offer a free community meal to anyone in the community who would like to attend. Doors open at 11am, the meal is served from 11:30pm - 12:15pm.
Also, while you’re here, collect:
~ some Cobb’s bread (if available)
~ exchange books at the mini library
~ collect items from the Neighbourhood Pantry and Fridge

Wednesdays in Lent
Lenten Midweek Eucharist & Soup (11:30am)
Labyrinth Hours (10am-3pm)

Sunday Morning ~ Holy Eucharist
Two services: 8am & 10am
Click on the image for more info.

The Crucifixion
Sunday, Apr.6th, 4pm, in-person & online
(Part of our “First Sundays at Four” Series)
Click on the image for more info.

St. Mary's Grief Circle
St. Mary’s Grief Circle - a six week program
Mondays, 7pm, in-person, March 10 - April 14

Lenten Study
Embracing Emergence Christianity”
Mondays, 7:30pm on Zoom, March 3rd to April 7th

Community Meal
Every Tuesday, we offer a free community meal to anyone in the community who would like to attend. Doors open at 11am, the meal is served from 11:30pm - 12:15pm.
Also, while you’re here, collect:
~ some Cobb’s bread (if available)
~ exchange books at the mini library
~ collect items from the Neighbourhood Pantry and Fridge

Wednesdays in Lent
Lenten Midweek Eucharist & Soup (11:30am)
Labyrinth Hours (10am-3pm)

Sunday Morning ~ Holy Eucharist
Two services: 8am & 10am
Click on the image for more info.

St. Mary's Grief Circle
St. Mary’s Grief Circle - a six week program
Mondays, 7pm, in-person, March 10 - April 14

Compline during Holy Week: April 14th, 15th, & 16th (7pm)
A simple soup dinner will be served at 6pm

Community Meal
Every Tuesday, we offer a free community meal to anyone in the community who would like to attend. Doors open at 11am, the meal is served from 11:30pm - 12:15pm.
Also, while you’re here, collect:
~ some Cobb’s bread (if available)
~ exchange books at the mini library
~ collect items from the Neighbourhood Pantry and Fridge

Compline during Holy Week: April 14th, 15th, & 16th (7pm)
A simple soup dinner will be served at 6pm

Compline during Holy Week: April 14th, 15th, & 16th (7pm)
A simple soup dinner will be served at 6pm

Maundy Thursday
Maundy Thursday - April 17th, 7pm service with optional washing of feet, stripping of the altar, and we leave in silence (in-person and online via Zoom)

Good Friday
10am ~ Children's Good Friday Service (in-person only)
12noon ~ Good Friday Service (in-person & online)

Easter Vigil
The Great Vigil of Easter - April 19th, 9pm a service of singing, movement, and scripture (in-person and online via Zoom)

Easter Sunday ~ Holy Eucharist
Two services: 8am & 10am
Click on the image for more info.

Community Meal
Every Tuesday, we offer a free community meal to anyone in the community who would like to attend. Doors open at 11am, the meal is served from 11:30pm - 12:15pm.
Also, while you’re here, collect:
~ some Cobb’s bread (if available)
~ exchange books at the mini library
~ collect items from the Neighbourhood Pantry and Fridge

Sunday Morning ~ Holy Eucharist
Two services: 8am & 10am
Click on the image for more info.

Parish Clean Up Day
Monday, April 28th, 9am-12noon (& lunch)
Please save the date and sign up!

Community Meal
Every Tuesday, we offer a free community meal to anyone in the community who would like to attend. Doors open at 11am, the meal is served from 11:30pm - 12:15pm.
Also, while you’re here, collect:
~ some Cobb’s bread (if available)
~ exchange books at the mini library
~ collect items from the Neighbourhood Pantry and Fridge

Coffee with Clergy Resumes
Spend time with our Rector, Rev. Lindsay Hills, and/or Rev. Roberta Fraser at Grandmama’s Café (on Balsam Street) on WEDNESDAYS from 9:15am - 11am.
Stop by for a visit and conversation. Make a new friend or two! No appointment is necessary - swing by, grab a drink, and sit for a bit!
Our intention is for this to be a weekly session; please check our website and/or the Messenger for updates.

Sunday Morning ~ Holy Eucharist
Two services: 8am & 10am
Click on the image for more info.

Bach Vespers Service
Sunday, May.4th, 4pm, in-person & online
(Part of our “First Sundays at Four” Series)
Click on the image for more info.

Community Meal
Every Tuesday, we offer a free community meal to anyone in the community who would like to attend. Doors open at 11am, the meal is served from 11:30pm - 12:15pm.
Also, while you’re here, collect:
~ some Cobb’s bread (if available)
~ exchange books at the mini library
~ collect items from the Neighbourhood Pantry and Fridge

Coffee with Clergy
Spend time with our Rector, Rev. Lindsay Hills, and/or Rev. Roberta Fraser at Grandmama’s Café (on Balsam Street) on WEDNESDAYS from 9:15am - 11am.
Stop by for a visit and conversation. Make a new friend or two! No appointment is necessary - swing by, grab a drink, and sit for a bit!
Our intention is for this to be a weekly session; please check our website and/or the Messenger for updates.

Sunday Morning ~ Holy Eucharist
Two services: 8am & 10am
Click on the image for more info.

Community Meal
Every Tuesday, we offer a free community meal to anyone in the community who would like to attend. Doors open at 11am, the meal is served from 11:30pm - 12:15pm.
Also, while you’re here, collect:
~ some Cobb’s bread (if available)
~ exchange books at the mini library
~ collect items from the Neighbourhood Pantry and Fridge

Coffee with Clergy
Spend time with our Rector, Rev. Lindsay Hills, and/or Rev. Roberta Fraser at Grandmama’s Café (on Balsam Street) on WEDNESDAYS from 9:15am - 11am.
Stop by for a visit and conversation. Make a new friend or two! No appointment is necessary - swing by, grab a drink, and sit for a bit!
Our intention is for this to be a weekly session; please check our website and/or the Messenger for updates.

Sunday Morning ~ Holy Eucharist
Two services: 8am & 10am
Click on the image for more info.

Community Meal
Every Tuesday, we offer a free community meal to anyone in the community who would like to attend. Doors open at 11am, the meal is served from 11:30pm - 12:15pm.
Also, while you’re here, collect:
~ some Cobb’s bread (if available)
~ exchange books at the mini library
~ collect items from the Neighbourhood Pantry and Fridge

Coffee with Clergy
Spend time with our Rector, Rev. Lindsay Hills, and/or Rev. Roberta Fraser at Grandmama’s Café (on Balsam Street) on WEDNESDAYS from 9:15am - 11am.
Stop by for a visit and conversation. Make a new friend or two! No appointment is necessary - swing by, grab a drink, and sit for a bit!
Our intention is for this to be a weekly session; please check our website and/or the Messenger for updates.

Sunday Morning ~ Holy Eucharist
Two services: 8am & 10am
Click on the image for more info.

Quarterly Sung Morning Prayer
Choral Matins 11:30am Service
Click on the image for more info.

Community Meal
Every Tuesday, we offer a free community meal to anyone in the community who would like to attend. Doors open at 11am, the meal is served from 11:30pm - 12:15pm.
Also, while you’re here, collect:
~ some Cobb’s bread (if available)
~ exchange books at the mini library
~ collect items from the Neighbourhood Pantry and Fridge

Coffee with Clergy
Spend time with our Rector, Rev. Lindsay Hills, and/or Rev. Roberta Fraser at Grandmama’s Café (on Balsam Street) on WEDNESDAYS from 9:15am - 11am.
Stop by for a visit and conversation. Make a new friend or two! No appointment is necessary - swing by, grab a drink, and sit for a bit!
Our intention is for this to be a weekly session; please check our website and/or the Messenger for updates.

Sunday Morning ~ Holy Eucharist
Two services: 8am & 10am
Click on the image for more info.

Community Meal
Every Tuesday, we offer a free community meal to anyone in the community who would like to attend. Doors open at 11am, the meal is served from 11:30pm - 12:15pm.
Also, while you’re here, collect:
~ some Cobb’s bread (if available)
~ exchange books at the mini library
~ collect items from the Neighbourhood Pantry and Fridge

Coffee with Clergy
Spend time with our Rector, Rev. Lindsay Hills, and/or Rev. Roberta Fraser at Grandmama’s Café (on Balsam Street) on WEDNESDAYS from 9:15am - 11am.
Stop by for a visit and conversation. Make a new friend or two! No appointment is necessary - swing by, grab a drink, and sit for a bit!
Our intention is for this to be a weekly session; please check our website and/or the Messenger for updates.

Sunday Morning ~ Holy Eucharist
Two services: 8am & 10am
Click on the image for more info.

Community Meal
Every Tuesday, we offer a free community meal to anyone in the community who would like to attend. Doors open at 11am, the meal is served from 11:30pm - 12:15pm.
Also, while you’re here, collect:
~ some Cobb’s bread (if available)
~ exchange books at the mini library
~ collect items from the Neighbourhood Pantry and Fridge

Coffee with Clergy
Spend time with our Rector, Rev. Lindsay Hills, and/or Rev. Roberta Fraser at Grandmama’s Café (on Balsam Street) on WEDNESDAYS from 9:15am - 11am.
Stop by for a visit and conversation. Make a new friend or two! No appointment is necessary - swing by, grab a drink, and sit for a bit!
Our intention is for this to be a weekly session; please check our website and/or the Messenger for updates.

Sunday Morning ~ Holy Eucharist
Two services: 8am & 10am
Click on the image for more info.

Community Meal
Every Tuesday, we offer a free community meal to anyone in the community who would like to attend. Doors open at 11am, the meal is served from 11:30pm - 12:15pm.
Also, while you’re here, collect:
~ some Cobb’s bread (if available)
~ exchange books at the mini library
~ collect items from the Neighbourhood Pantry and Fridge

Coffee with Clergy
Spend time with our Rector, Rev. Lindsay Hills, and/or Rev. Roberta Fraser at Grandmama’s Café (on Balsam Street) on WEDNESDAYS from 9:15am - 11am.
Stop by for a visit and conversation. Make a new friend or two! No appointment is necessary - swing by, grab a drink, and sit for a bit!
Our intention is for this to be a weekly session; please check our website and/or the Messenger for updates.

Sunday Morning ~ Holy Eucharist
Two services: 8am & 10am
Click on the image for more info.

Community Meal
Every Tuesday, we offer a free community meal to anyone in the community who would like to attend. Doors open at 11am, the meal is served from 11:30pm - 12:15pm.
Also, while you’re here, collect:
~ some Cobb’s bread (if available)
~ exchange books at the mini library
~ collect items from the Neighbourhood Pantry and Fridge

Coffee with Clergy
Spend time with our Rector, Rev. Lindsay Hills, and/or Rev. Roberta Fraser at Grandmama’s Café (on Balsam Street) on WEDNESDAYS from 9:15am - 11am.
Stop by for a visit and conversation. Make a new friend or two! No appointment is necessary - swing by, grab a drink, and sit for a bit!
Our intention is for this to be a weekly session; please check our website and/or the Messenger for updates.

Sunday Morning ~ Holy Eucharist
Two services: 8am & 10am
Click on the image for more info.

Wednesdays in Lent
Lenten Midweek Eucharist & Soup (11:30am)
Labyrinth Hours (10am-3pm)

Community Meal
Every Tuesday, we offer a free community meal to anyone in the community who would like to attend. Doors open at 11am, the meal is served from 11:30pm - 12:15pm.
Also, while you’re here, collect:
~ some Cobb’s bread (if available)
~ exchange books at the mini library
~ collect items from the Neighbourhood Pantry and Fridge

Lenten Study
Embracing Emergence Christianity”
Mondays, 7:30pm on Zoom, March 3rd to April 7th

St. Mary's Grief Circle
St. Mary’s Grief Circle - a six week program
Mondays, 7pm, in-person, March 10 - April 14

Sunday Morning ~ Holy Eucharist
Two services: 8am & 10am
Click on the image for more info.

An Opportune Time ~ a Play
AN OPPORTUNE TIME: The Seven Temptations of Jesus, a play
Friday, March 21st, 7pm
On March 21st, at 7pm here at St. Mary's Kerrisdale, there will be a staged reading of a new play about the temptations that Jesus faced; perhaps this will give us insights into our own story, including our own temptations. Come to participate or watch. Invite friends and neighbours for a stimulating evening.
For further information - and perhaps to volunteer to play a role in the play - contact Rudi Krause ( 604-264-1199 )

Wednesdays in Lent
Lenten Midweek Eucharist & Soup (11:30am)
Labyrinth Hours (10am-3pm)

Community Meal
Every Tuesday, we offer a free community meal to anyone in the community who would like to attend. Doors open at 11am, the meal is served from 11:30pm - 12:15pm.
Also, while you’re here, collect:
~ some Cobb’s bread (if available)
~ exchange books at the mini library
~ collect items from the Neighbourhood Pantry and Fridge

Lenten Study
Embracing Emergence Christianity”
Mondays, 7:30pm on Zoom, March 3rd to April 7th

St. Mary's Grief Circle
St. Mary’s Grief Circle - a six week program
Mondays, 7pm, in-person, March 10 - April 14

Iona Prayer
A brief but beautiful liturgy, in the Sanctuary, offered in-person only.
Click on the image for more info.

Sunday Morning ~ Holy Eucharist
Two services: 8am & 10am
Click on the image for more info.

Wednesdays in Lent
Lenten Midweek Eucharist & Soup (11:30am)
Labyrinth Hours (10am-3pm)

Community Meal
Every Tuesday, we offer a free community meal to anyone in the community who would like to attend. Doors open at 11am, the meal is served from 11:30pm - 12:15pm.
Also, while you’re here, collect:
~ some Cobb’s bread (if available)
~ exchange books at the mini library
~ collect items from the Neighbourhood Pantry and Fridge

Lenten Study
Embracing Emergence Christianity”
Mondays, 7:30pm on Zoom, March 3rd to April 7th

St. Mary's Grief Circle
St. Mary’s Grief Circle - a six week program
Mondays, 7pm, in-person, March 10 - April 14

Sunday Morning ~ Holy Eucharist
Two services: 8am & 10am
Click on the image for more info.

Community Meal
Every Tuesday, we offer a free community meal to anyone in the community who would like to attend. Doors open at 11am, the meal is served from 11:30pm - 12:15pm.
Also, while you’re here, collect:
~ some Cobb’s bread (if available)
~ exchange books at the mini library
~ collect items from the Neighbourhood Pantry and Fridge

Lenten Study
Embracing Emergence Christianity”
Mondays, 7:30pm on Zoom, March 3rd to April 7th

Holden Evensong
Sunday, Mar.2nd, 4pm, in-person & online
(Part of our “First Sundays at Four” Series)
Click on the image for more info.

Sunday Morning ~ Holy Eucharist
Two services: 8am & 10am
Click on the image for more info.

Sunday Morning ~ Holy Eucharist
Two services: 8am & 10am
Click on the image for more info.

Iona Prayer
A brief but beautiful liturgy, in the Sanctuary, offered in-person only.
Click on the image for more info.

Sunday Morning ~ Holy Eucharist
Two services: 8am & 10am
Click on the image for more info.

Children's Valentine's Day Party
February 14th, 5-9pm
A Children’s Valentine’s Party so Grown-Ups can Celebrate!
Registration is required. This is a fundraiser for our Youth Trip.

Sunday Morning ~ Holy Eucharist
Two services: 8am & 10am
Click on the image for more info.

Candlemas Evensong
Sunday, Feb.2nd, 4pm, in-person & online
(Part of our “First Sundays at Four” Series)
Click on the image for more info.

Sunday Morning ~ Holy Eucharist
Two services: 8am & 10am
Click on the image for more info.

Trivia Night
Friday, January 31st, 6:30-8:30pm
Tickets available now, discount if purchased online!

Quarterly Sung Morning Prayer
Choral Matins 11:30am Service
Click on the image for more info.