Staff Transition Update

Farewell to Jean James & Gift
Volunteer Coordinator and Finance Coordinator

Over the past year and a half, we have been blessed by Jean James' many gifts. She has helped us organize and recruit volunteers and has been an incredible asset in the office. Jean has given us notice that she will be leaving to work elsewhere. Her final day in the office will be June 27th. We are truly grateful for all the hard work she has put into St. Mary's to help this place run smoothly and our ministries flourish.

For those wishing to contribute to a gift for Jean, please do so by either...

  • Cheque made payable to St. Mary's with "Jean James" in the memo line

  • E-transfer to with "Jean James" in the message

  • Cash in an envelope marked "Jean James" can be dropped off at our secure 'dropbox' located by the main office doors or given directly to the office during office hours (Mon-Thurs 10:30am-2:30pm)

  • Online via the donate button on our website, please select 'General Bursary' and put "Jean James" in the note/memo box.

Together we wish Jean many blessings as she continues on her journey.


St. Mary’s Reads


Thank you from the Rev’d Christine Wilson