Thank you from the Rev’d Christine Wilson

Dear Friends,

I offer a heartfelt thank you to all of you. I feel so blessed to have been part of the St. Mary’s community of faith—never more so than on Sunday, April 28th. At the luncheon after the service, I was touched by the lovely goodbyes and well wishes from everyone, Lindsay’s kind words, and the Bishop’s letter. It made my last day as your Deacon extra special.

Included is a picture of Deacon Bear, made for me by Chris Mitchell, who now resides prominently on my bookshelf. With love and gratitude for your kind support and care over the past three years and your generous retirement gift, I leave you with a reminder from my sermon of April 21st of God’s love for us that is immeasurably larger than anything we are capable of imagining.

Click Here to view Christine Wilson's Last Sermon

Your sister in Christ,



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