St. Mary’s Reads

This year’s summer book: Sabbath by Dan Allender

For many of us, summer is still a time when we slow life down and relax. So, I thought a good book for our “St. Mary’s Reads” Summer Book this year would be one about Sabbath practice.  While we tend to imagine sabbath as a rigid time of ‘not being allowed’ to do things, the truth of sabbath is much richer than that stereotype implies. In his book “Sabbath,” Dan Allender invites us to see God’s original intent for the day with new eyes. Instead of a day of enforced quiet and religious devotion, he invites us to experience it as a weekly practice that celebrates God’s re-creative, redemptive love using four components: 

  • Sensual glory and beauty 

  • Ritual 

  • Communal feasting  

  • Playfulness 

So, I encourage you to read ‘Sabbath’ this summer!  There is one copy available to borrow in St. Mary’s library. You can also get it as a print book or an e-book in the usual places. In September, everyone interested will gather to discuss the book and our responses to it. Let’s explore how a regular time of rest and renewal can be a part of our own spiritual practices! 

~ Roberta


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