Parish Events

The Crucifixion
Sunday, Apr.6th, 4pm, in-person & online
(Part of our “First Sundays at Four” Series)
Click on the image for more info.

Bach Vespers Service
Sunday, May.4th, 4pm, in-person & online
(Part of our “First Sundays at Four” Series)
Click on the image for more info.

Holden Evensong
Sunday, Mar.2nd, 4pm, in-person & online
(Part of our “First Sundays at Four” Series)
Click on the image for more info.

Candlemas Evensong
Sunday, Feb.2nd, 4pm, in-person & online
(Part of our “First Sundays at Four” Series)
Click on the image for more info.

A Child’s Christmas In Wales
Sunday, Jan.5th, 4pm, in-person & online
(Part of our “First Sundays at Four” Series)
Click on the image for more info.

Advent Lessons and Carols
Sunday, Dec.1st, 4pm, in-person & online
(Part of our “First Sundays at Four” Series)
Click on the image for more info.

All Souls Evensong
Sunday, Nov.3rd, 4pm, in-person & online
(Part of our “First Sundays at Four” Series)
Click on the image for more info.

A Service Inspired by Taize
Sunday, Oct.6th, 4pm, in-person & online
(Part of our “First Sundays at Four” Series)
Click on the image for more info.