Study Group: “For the Love of Creation”

God loves creation, and so, as Christians, we are called to love it too. So, we are offering a 5-week study session called For the Love of Creation. It will focus on the different ways we can love creation both as part of our spiritual and faith life and also in the practical actions of our daily life. It will be offered mostly on Zoom (with some options for hybrid gatherings if there is interest) at 7:30pm on Wednesdays until June 21st. 

You don’t have to come to all the sessions to participate so if you missed week one please do come along anyway! 

These sessions will involve short talks, conversation, sharing, ideas for practical things we can do, resources and more. Come and explore what it means to be a Christian who loves God’s creation! If you are interested in joining this Study Group please contact Roberta ( to get on the list to receive the Zoom link. 


Volunteer Opportunity of the Week


Afghan Refugee Family Update