Stewardship Season Begins!

This week we kick off our month of Stewardship culminating in Gathering Sunday on October 29th when we also celebrate All Saints Day. Our theme this year is Growing as Saints: God’s Power Working in Us. Please review the packet of Stewardship materials thoroughly. St. Mary’s Kerrisdale's strong mission and ministry is described in the brochure. This work is supported by the gifts of you, the parishioners. Your time, talent and treasure enable us to do God’s work in our neighbourhoods, our families and in the world. Please consider how you can continue to support our church life together.

This past month, St. Mary’s has completed the Stained Glass Windows. The final one is of St. Phocas, the patron saint of gardeners. I suspect that many of us do not see ourselves as saints. And yet, we offer our lives to be directed and nourished by God. It's likely that none of the “Saints” saw themselves as being special. And yet, to God each of us is unique, special and gifted so that we together can be God’s presence in the world. Has your life been enriched by someone who you felt to be saintlike? Did they provide some inspiration for your own life? What gifts did they share with the world and how did that inspire you?

I also invite you to think about how God’s Power is Working in You. There is as much honour in folding leaflets as there is in granting spiritual gestures. God sees and cares about every act whether large or small. Whenever we are open to God’s Working in Us marvelous things can happen. Take some time to think about the ways you see God working in your life. If you are able, write a few lines, or make a drawing to capture your thoughts. I hope that this small exercise will help you to complete your pledge.

Over the next several weeks, a few of our fellow parishioners will share their responses to Growing as Saints: God’s Power Working in Us. I appreciate their responses and I hope that you will find some inspiration in their reflections.

~ Lea Starr, Stewardship Committee Chair


Stewardship Packet Pickup


Fall Formation: Embracing Emergence Christianity