Fall Formation: Embracing Emergence Christianity

Embracing Emergence Christianity: Phyllis Tickle on the Church’s Next Rummage Sale

Starting mid-October St. Mary’s will offer a 6-week study on ‘Emergence Christianity’. Through video presentations each week author, historian and keen cultural observer Phyllis Tickle will help us to examine the changing face of Christianity and culture. Over the last 2000 years, there have been great upheavals in Western culture and Christianity every 500 years or so. The last was the Great Reformation of the 1500s that produced the Protestant churches; the next is happening now and it’s being called the ‘Great Emergence’.

In this course we will explore what the implications are of this “Great Emergence,” both culturally and spiritually. What are the key questions and issues that need to be addressed? Where might we be headed next?

Each session will begin with a 10 to 15 minute video presentation by Phyllis Tickle followed by group discussion. Each participant will receive an Embracing Emergence Christianity Participant's Workbook which includes a short ‘essay’ by Phyllis on each week’s topic and a variety of discussion questions and suggestions for engaging the week’s topic.


  • Session 1: Emergence 101

  • Session 2: Where Now Is the Authority?

  • Session 3: The 20th Century and Emergence Session

  • 4: Gifts from Other Times Session

  • 5: How Then Shall We Live? Session

  • 6: Hallmarks of Emergence

The sessions will be held Wednesday evenings on Zoom and are open to everyone who is interested. Talk to Rev. Roberta for more information.


Stewardship Season Begins!


Flower Dedications & Greenery Donations for Thanksgiving