Welcome (Back) Lunch - Feb.2nd

On February 2nd (after the 10am service), we will be offering a gathering and lunch to connect with those who have recently started coming to St. Mary’s, as well as those who are returning after a significant period away, so we can connect and get to know each other better. Besides gathering to eat together, it will be an opportunity to connect with the clergy and some of the staff and leadership of the parish and learn a bit more about what is happening here at St. Mary’s presently.

We send invitations to those we have identified as ‘new’ or ‘returning’ if we have contact information.  But we don’t have everyone’s contact information, and it’s very easy to miss people when trying to make a list like this!  So, if you are new or returning and would like to receive an invitation to come to a Welcome (Back) Lunch, then please do contact us so we can add you to the list!  Email Roberta if you want to be added to the list for this event (rfraser@stmaryskerrisdale.ca). 


Trivia Night - Jan.31


Staff Updates