Newcomers Event

Are you ‘new’ to St. Mary’s? Or are you returning after a long time away from the church? Or did you join St. Mary’s over the past three years and don’t feel like a ‘newcomer’ but have never been officially ‘welcomed’ to the parish?

Then YOU are invited to join us for one of the Newcomer Events!!! December 3rd we are offering an afternoon brunch event for newcomers to meet/talk with the clergy and some of the parish leaders, have a chance to ask those questions that we all think about but never get around to asking, and enjoy some social time and lovely food as a welcome to the parish. We will be sending out invitations to those of you we have identified as ‘new’ but it’s so very easy to miss people when trying to make a list like this. So, if you are new (or a ‘returning’ parishioner) and would like to receive an invitation to come to a newcomers’ brunch, then please do contact us so we can add you to the list!

Contact Rev. Roberta (email) or contact the office (email) to join the list.


Family Advent Retreat


Make things shiny and bright for Christmas!