Lenten Study 2025
“Embracing Emergence Christianity”
Mondays, 7:30pm on Zoom, March 3rd to April 7th
This six-week study examines the changing face of Christianity and culture. It is not news to most of us, that we are living in a time of rapid and profound change. Which can be profoundly unsettling. History tells us that about every 500 years or so there are major upheavals in cultural norms, and thus our ways of experiencing and understanding our faith. The last of these upheavals in our Western culture and Christian faith was the Reformation… which happened 500 years ago. The good news is that none of the previous semi-millennial upheavals (from the one 2000 years ago that created the Christian church out of a Jewish movement, to the last upheaval that we call the Reformation) destroyed the church. Instead, a new, transformed church emerged from the turmoil. While none of us has a ‘crystal ball’ to foresee the future, there are plenty of hints and directions that we will look at and explore how Christianity is undergoing another upheaval in our own time.
Each session will begin with a 15-20 minute video by Phyllis Tickle, a well-known professor of religion and author whose book “The Great Emergence” brought this historical pattern to light.
We will meet on Zoom on Monday evenings starting at 7:30pm. There’s a participant workbook available for everyone who wants to join this study. So please email Roberta (rfraser@stmaryskerrisdale.ca) if you are interested in participating or have any questions.