Lenten Quiet Day (Archdeaconry)
Saturday, March 8th, from 9:30 am to 2:30pm
at Van Dusen Botanical Garden (5210 Oak Street)
You are invited to start Lent with an ‘Archdeaconry-wide’ Quiet Day at the beautiful VanDusen Gardens. This year, we are collaborating with our neighbouring Anglican churches rather than planning it for just St. Mary’s. Throughout the day, we will explore four prayer practices that engage various parts of our minds, hearts, and bodies. Participants will have access to the Van Dusen grounds as part of the event. A simple lunch and coffee/tea are included.
Registration is limited due to the size of the room we are using for the sessions, so you are encouraged to sign up as soon as possible. Registration is $10 for those who can afford it or free for those for whom cost would be a burden. (The registration form allows you to choose between $10 and $0.) Talk to Roberta if you have any questions (rfraser@stmaryskerrisdale.ca).
Also… that day, nearby, there will be a free Children’s Lenten Retreat.