Equipping the Saints (mini) Conference
Join in on October 14th, 9am-3:30pm
An assembly of lay and clergy from various congregations. A much-needed opportunity to gather in prayer, to listen, learn, connect, and grow together! The day includes a plenary speaker, the ability to attend two workshops and a catered lunch.
Tickets are $10 to offset costs for food. All are welcome!
Please fill out the registration form (see button) to register. We hope to see you there!
Plenary Speaker:
Rev. Dr. Jason McKinney
“To Have And To Hold: A Theology Of Church Land”
Rev. Dr. Jason McKinney is a theological educator and an Anglican priest based in the west end Toronto neighbourhood of Parkdale. He serves a multi-racial congregation in the neighbourhood where he has also been part of a movement to ensure community well-being against the pressures of gentrification. He was a member of the first community-elected board of The Parkdale Neighbourhood Land Trust, one of the first urban community land trusts in Ontario, where he served two terms. He holds a PhD from the Department for the Study of Religion at the University of Toronto. He has taught courses on hospitality, urbanism, and a theology of food at Trinity College's Faculty of Divinity and has recently completed a research contract with Tyndale Seminary.
Conference Schedule
9am - Breakfast/Social
9:30am - Opening Worship
10am - Opening Plenary
11:30am - Workshop 1
12:30pm - Lunch
1:30pm - Workshop 2
2:45pm - Final Remarks/Closing Worship
3:30pm - End
Let’s start with the assumption that all Christians are ‘ministers’ simply by virtue of our baptism. But most of us rely on a Sunday School education to support our ministry. EFM - “Education for Ministry” - is a programme developed to bring to the laity some of the things that students pursuing ordination learn when they attend seminary. EFM believes that Christian adults need adult learning to be Christ’s ‘ambassadors’ in our daily lives. Integral to this learning is the practice of Theological Reflection, where our lives and thinking are engaged in a “conversation” with the Christian tradition (Scripture and history, hymns, texts) and with the world in which we live. In this hour you will be introduced to EFM materials and briefly engage in TR (Theological Reflection).
Leading this workshop is…
Rev. Paula Porter Leggett -
Before Jesus sent his followers out to proclaim the good news and to cure diseases, he first gave them power and authority (Luke 9). Spiritual practices are a way for our hearts to be filled with the power and authority we need to be justice-builders, peacemakers, hope-bearers, and joy-inspirers in the land God has placed us. In this workshop we will learn and practice a handful of spiritual practices to edify our hearts and prepare us for ministry.
Leading this workshop is…
Rev. David Taylor recently inducted the Rector of St. Mark, Ocean Park. -
The Bible is one of the foundations of our faith, so reading scripture as part of community worship is an honour and responsibility. This workshop will help you with the practical aspects of ‘public speaking’ like projecting your voice to the congregation, speaking clearly, pacing, use of a microphone etc. We will also explore the spiritual side of proclaiming scripture and how we can use our voice to communicate meaning and help the ‘reading’ “come alive” for those listening to us.
Leading this workshop is…
Rev. Roberta Fraser, Associate Priest at St. Mary’s Kerrisdale -
Administration of communion is fundamentally an expression of the corporate nature of Christian life. How we share the bread of life and the cup of blessing, whether in public worship or in private settings such as homes, hospitals and care facilities, is more than a mechanical act; it is a moment of communion, not just between God and the recipient, but between the minister of communion and the recipient. In this workshop you will learn the practical skills and explore the spirituality of this liturgical ministry.
Leading this workshop is…
Archdeacon Richard Leggett who is Vicar of Holy Trinity Cathedral and Professor Emeritus of Liturgical Studies at Vancouver School of Theology. -
This will be a continued conversation with Plenary Speaker Rev. Dr. Jason McKinney.