Calling All Christmas Bakers

St. Mary’s is planning a Christmas Bake Sale — with a twist!

If you have favourite Christmas or winter-themed delectables, St. Mary’s hopes you’ll bake, and donate, for our sale. Pre-orders for Christmas baking will begin on British Pudding Day, November 9th, and baking samples, if available at that time, are most welcome at coffee time on the following Sunday. Of course, you needn't start baking until December.

The idea is to match up bakers with the items people want for Christmas (let us know which items have a shelf life and which can be frozen) 

Popular favourites: 

  • Christmas puddings

  • Christmas cakes

  • Cookies

  • Shortbread

  • Mince Pies

  • Fudge

  • Squares

  • Christmas specialties from around the world 

Please call or e-mail Deborah Spafford with questions (


Hospitality: Advent Lessons and Carols


Stewardship Packet Pickup