Seniors’ Thanksgiving Eucharist & Tea

Wednesday, October 11th, 2pm

We are pleased to be able to invite you to join us at St. Mary's for the Seniors' Harvest Eucharist and Tea on Wednesday, October 11th at 2pm. The Service will be in-person and on Zoom for those more comfortable joining from home. The Tea following the service will only be in-person. Come and enjoy our Thanksgiving worship as we celebrate with music, readings, prayers, and a homily. The Service will be about 45 minutes long, followed by a lovely Tea in the Parish Hall.

We will encourage the wearing of masks during the service.

If you prefer to connect by Zoom, the button is below.
You can join online, OR you can also phone in to listen.

Meeting ID: 819 2324 7416   Passcode: 1911
OR Phone in - 1 778 907 2071 Canada

If you can let the Parish Office know ahead of time if you expect to attend in person, that would be wonderful so that we have an idea of the numbers. We do hope you join us at this time. This service gives us an opportunity to connect with old and new friends, and to hear wonderful familiar hymns, stories, and prayers, all as we celebrate Thanksgiving.


Stewardship Season: Week 2


Guest Preacher Oct.15: Rev. Dr. Jason McKinney